Monday, September 26, 2011

dua puluh satu

hi semua orang,

26 september 2011, maknanya i secara rasminya dah masuk 21 tahun, no more -teen, dah tua dah haa. tahun ni hari jadi jatuh pada hari Isnin, hari yang orang semua sibuk bekerja, sibuk study untuk final, PMR, trial SPM, sibuk uruskan wedding anak-anak. So yeah, on the 24th September, abang sulung i, telah bergelar suami orang, baru settle belah perempuan dekat Tambun, Ipoh Perak. Belah lelaki this 1st October, expect lots of pictures in next entry. Congratulations abang, I love you so much. :)

So, lets talk about my birthdayyyyyy. I am 21 heal yeahh, sebenarnya tak ada beza pun bukan macam anak-anak omputih tu 21 tahun je dah dapat 'kunci' kebebasan. but i love my birthday, walaupun tak meriah ke, tak ramai wish ke, tak banyak hadiah ke, i tetap bersyukur i still hidup, for 21 tahun ni. Alhamdulillah. And no surprise party this year, as semua orang letih dengan wedding abang, but it's okay. perhaps i'll get some celebration masa kenduri abang nanti.

nak ranatai macam ni gila ohseemmmmm,

kunci kebebasan lah konon. hehe

semoga dengan umur semakin meningkat ni, i jadi semakin wiser, semakin matang, semakin bertanggungjawab, semakin berdisiplin dan semakin bijak. oh, and semoga kau dapat lah boyfriend okay? haha but its quite sad sebab kawan-kawan i jauh, and the fact that cousins pun jauh buat i rasa sayu. and i am still single. i rasa dalam 21 tahun i hidup, dalam 3,4x birthday je i ada boyfriend. but i had a pretty awesome birthdays before, without a boyfriend to share. but would be nice to have one, and the only hadiah i dapat selain dari maxis, celcom, jaya jusco etc, is from my mum. i miss having someone to date with, romantic sappy love dates, auwwwww :')

anyhoo, selamat hari jadi yang ke dua puluh satu to me, i love me so much. be happy me. life is too short to feel sad. :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

birthday wish list

Hai semua orang.


Lagu pembuka cerita macam dalam movie siap ada singa mengaummmmm. Ladies and gentleman, and Ted, seriously? Selalu Barney cakap macam tu so i nak pun tiru lah macam best. Hehe

I present to you, my birthday wish list. Well sebenarnya nak buat besok atau Jumaat, tapi sebab besok i mesti busy sampai Jumaat siapkan preparation wedding. Not my wedding. My brother's. And yup, semua oarang like super excited melebihi bride and groom. Thats normal for my family. Ahaaa and i love them so strong, i suffocate myself. :)

Okay, sebenarnya tak payah buat wish list pun tak apa, sebab bukan i akan dapat apa yang i wish ni tapi sebagai suka-suka. Mana tahu kan mama i online sekali terbukak nadiahsays ni, haaaaa, orang cakap malang tak berbau, maknanya untung pun lah kan?

First sekali, i nak sangat pergi ,

Yes i know you guys probably think Zoo is the lamest place to go nowadays, but i really enjoy myself there, seeing animals watching other animals. I mean, us watching animals. And last time i went when i was just a kid, pretty sad because i live 5 minutes from Zoo Negara, sometimes bangau-bangau from Zoo siap landing dekat padang sekolah mama i lagi especially lepas hujan. Tapi i still tak pernah pergi Zoo Negara. And i've been living in Kuala Lumpur since forever, and i still tak pernah naik Menara Kl, dengar kata ada restoran berputar apa jadah, haih, budak bandar baru nak up la katakan. :(

Oh hoi lepastu, i nak pergi sini, nak main semua benda sampai muntah. Muahahahaha. Okay tipu i janji tak muntah. Hee

Lepastu nak makan sedap-sedap, omnomnom. Tapi kalau tanya sekarang memang semua benda i nak makan, tapi i dah decide nak makan apa. Hehe sue me, but i love my tummy so very much. :)

last time i ate here was about a year back i guess. The best steak ever. tapi mati lah kalau nak makan sini setiap bulan. Kopak makkkk. hehe

damn it, *drooling*. i am starving. =____=

lepastu nak macam-macam barang Ya Allah, dah penat pergi zoo, main theme park, makan sedap, mesti la ada hadiah kan. hahaha well you wish nadiah. Tapi kalau sesiapa lah nak bagi kan, mana tahu.

Ipad2 would be nice, bold4 ke, iphone5 yang tak lama lagi nak keluar tu ke or a boyfriend would be awesomeee, or even better, a husband. haha mana lah tahuuuu tibatiba ada orang datang meminang i. muahaha. :D

ni, boyfriend a.k.a husband i, will be the best birthday present ever,

haaa, susahnyaaa nak pilihh OMG. <3


Sunday, September 18, 2011

what ?

I am sad and in a very bad shape lately. Sometimes i cried for no reason, i just feel sad and empty deep inside. My birthday is just around the corner and i'm sensing it's gonna be hell, minus my family, i have no one. I have no friends i can call BFF nor anyone that i can spend my time with. I only have my family, my cats and my rabbits. Though i am eternally grateful for having such a loving and awesome family. But i want more. Thats normal, manusia memang tak pernah puas kan. Seeing people that once i hate are doing well in their life and keep rubbing it on my face, makes me feel like a total loser. I realize that i have no friends that i spend time everyday, yes i have lots of friends but thats just it. And it's entirely my fault of lazy making an effort to maintain my friendship, i know and i hate my self for this. I have no sister, and i am very close with my mom but i cannot talk to my mum about everything, i share it with my cousins and some friends, but each day i can feel that i am putting burden on their shoulder to listen to my problems when i'm too stubborn to follow their advice. Boo hoooo cry baby.

I don't know what i want. I just want to be happy. I'm crying again right now, OMAIGOD I CAN'T EVEN ......

Peeps, love your family and love yourself.

A girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her - Marilyn Monroe

I need a hug. :(


K bye and have a great weekend.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sayang mana u ni.

Hmm wifI rumah i buat hal. So kena online guna iphone yang asyik bateri low ni jeeee. Semua nak buat i touching emo emo harini. Seriously harini i rasa sedih gilaaaaa. U'olls pernah rasa tak tiba-tiba sedih je tanpa sebab. Rasa macam kehilangan sesuatu tapi tak tahu apa yang hilang tu? Rasa macam rindu seseorang tapi tak tahu siapa gerangannya. Pernah rasa? Orang cakap benda ni gangguan setan je tapi ada pakar dok canang hati perempuan memang macam ni and the moment kita rasa macam rindu someone, our other half kat sana pun rasa yang sama. Bukan boyfriend i cakap ni, tapi your soulmate, kira bagi i, i punya tuan kepada tulang rusuk i ni. Jodoh i la kiranya. Ada faham?
I tanak carik boyfriend dah, i nak carik calon suami. Bukan maksudnya dapat laki terus kahwin. Tapi kiranya my last boyfriend la sebab i nak serius sampai ke jinjang pelamin. InsyaAllah. Doakan lah ye. :)

Membebel je kerja i. Oh yea Selamat Hari Malaysia, proud to be Malaysian yawww. Tapi cakap omputih. Hahaha saya bangga jadi anak Malaysia yaawww . Semoga bakal suami i tu tak sesat jalan carik i. Guna lah papago ke google map ke okay sayang. Haha

K bye sayang sayang kuhh.

Pelik bila post atas ni sedih tapi bila dah last ni happy pulak. LOL

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

can't be moved


nah, dengar lah, lepastu hafal lepas tu ulang ulang seribu lapan puluh lapan kali macam i k? peace yaww.

suka sangat masa 0.33-036, 0.43-047, 2.34-2.39 . haaaa suka gilewww. tapi sedih .hmmm

macam mana ?


Sunday, September 11, 2011


So, there’s this quote that goes:

“If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don’t, they never were.”

I kind of disagree to an extent. Because I’m never ever letting go of someone that i love. You only live once. So while I’m still blinking, still breathing, and left with the uncertainty of the future, I’m not wasting a second of it making the stupid decision of letting him go just to wait for him to come back or not coming back at all. If i have someone that i love, i will give him all i have, cherish him with my love, and never let him go. I'm not saying that the quote is wrong, its just, i don't like it, but sometimes its true, sometimes we just have to let go, it doesn't mean that we are giving up, just to make sure if we are meant to be together or not. Because you see, no matter how hard you try to make someone a part of your life, no matter how perfect your plans are, God always has better plans for you. I know that now, just wish i had the courage and the balls to do it. Hmmm. I am pretty good when it comes to comfort or advise friends when they are felling down, or heartbroken. But when it happened to me, i became this one idiotic hopeless person, shame on me. I need balls. HUGE BALLS. Figuratively speaking of course.

I remember the quote from How I Met Your Mother,

Marshall: Robin, it's like this. Do you have any idea how many times in my life I've gone to the freezer looking for frozen waffles and not found them?
Robin: Thousands?
Marshall: Millions. But when I go to the freezer, looking for a popsicle, or the remote control because Lily and I are having a fight and she's hidden it there, do you know what I find?
*Robin shakes her head no*
Marshall: Frozen waffles. That's how it works; you go out there, looking for a paper, you're coming back with frozen waffles. And in this case, frozen waffles is a guy.

Meaning, life is a bitch, when you want to find a guy, you won't find him, or when you did, he wasn't the one, but when you don't want to find a guy, you will actually find one, but when you did, you will be the one who don't want to settle down. Just like the frozen waffles. In this case, frozen waffles is a guy. TRUE STORY BRO.

K bye

Thursday, September 8, 2011


i am good at faking smiles.

even when i'm not okay, you can see me fooling around and making annoying jokes.

deep down, i am just as fragile (see i'm using it again) as glasses . i am sensitive . and i am not good at writing my feelings out.

but people don't see that, because they only see things that i chose to show them,

people think that i am feeling-proof, but i am not .


this song really inspires me a lot at this moment , :)

have a good day people. bye

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

random shits yaww 2

yo !
Fragile . Fre-jel. Selama ni i pronounce as fragile, rupa-rupanya cara betul pronounce frey-jel, maknanya selama 20 tahun and 19 hari i hidup i salah pronounce fragile. Budget bagus sebab selalu guna perkataan Fragile konon nak guna English advance. Malu. Sedih. Sebab kalau pronounce Fragile macam i salah pronounce tu, i rasa perkataan tu akan jadi trending sebab yg baru ni terbelit lidah nak sebut woi. Lepas ni guna melayu je, rapuh, mudah pecah, no more i am fragile. Bummer.

Hello hi, How are you ? i am still sick *coughingwhiletyping* , bikin hati wa panassssss, penat tahu tak batuk bersin batuk bersin. i wasn't born for this. Pft. Actually i have no important or interesting topic to blog about. I just want to write something.

I tak pandai tulis surat cinta macam sesetengah bloggers, usha blog dorang rasa macam sama-sama bercinta, romantic all the way. So setiap kali terbaca surat cinta i akan rasa foreveralone, lepastu i tekan 'X'. HAHA sorry. *mukadown* jom i cerita pasal birthday i pada tahun-tahun sudah nak? kan ada certain orang yang in a love/hate relationship dengan birthday dia, love it, hate it, love that you hate it, or hate that you love it. I tak benci birthday i, durhh orang bodoh je benci hari dia diberanakkan. Tapi i cukup benci orang yang mencemar duli on my birthday specifically. And let me tell you bro, i dah 2 kali ditinggalkan masa birthday i.* Tepuk tangan siap kasi standing ovation*. And disebabkan itu, bila masuk bulan September i jadi cacing kepanasan, kita tengok siapa pulak tinggalkan i bulan ni. Wanna bet? Mana lah tahu kucing i decide nak lari rumah ke, rabbit i nak kahwin lari kat Siam ke, you'll never know people. Pets nowadays. Sigh.

Cerita pasal duit raya, tahun ni Alhamdulilah duit raya meningkat, eceh. Tapi sadly, dah berkurang sebab bayar hutang piutang, shopping sikit masa balik kampung haritu. Hmm, sedih je, iphone5 gone. Kena part time kerja 7e lah macam ni. Lepas tu beli benda alah ni pulak , semuanya perabis duit. Bagus nyewwwww. Pui.

gambar ambik dari Google sebab camera i hilang. Thank you Google.

apa lagi ehhh. oh yes, my brother's wedding , on the 1st October . wait, final exam dulu on 28th and 30th September hamboi kau buat-buat lupa. i risau gila sebab honestly, i langsung tak pernah study, semua test buat berdasarkan courtesy kawan-kawan kasi soalan bocor. HAHA tak guna langsung diri ini. Haa lepas habis final baru wedding abang i, jemput datang kalau i invite sebab ni bukan wedding i nak invite sampai seribu kawan padahal kawan ada 300++ je tu pun kat facebook. Boooo ! sama-sama doakan lah kalau i takde boyfriend tuptup terus kahwin. muahahaha mana lah tahu bangun-bangun tengok ada orang datang merisik. tapi i bangun lewat so mesti jejaka tu dah balik rumah, hmm starting tomorrow i nak bangun pagi lah. APAKAH. =____=

Oh good news, i sepatutnya pindah Rawang bulan october, which is next month, but then mama i cakap postpone till akhir tahun. wohoooo, tapi i rasa tak ada beza pun, sini ke sana ke, whatever. Kalau boleh nak pindah Hartamas sebab sana macam meriah je. Berpesta sana sini, Ya Allah. =_____="

I nak buat birthday wishlist nanti mana tahu mama papa abang-abang adik i stumble baca blog i, tiba-tiba terbuka pintu hati dorang nak belikan i hadiah birthday. HAHA aminnnn. :)

hamboi, semua pun i nak update macam artis pulak. so kira u'olls dah update-d pasal i ni lah sepanjang cuti raya ni. Hihi terima kasih kerana membaca. nak duit raya carikkan i boyfriend dulu. lepastu kita talk pasal duit raya. ^____________^

okay bye .

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

wake me up when September ends

ambik kau lagu yang paling sesuai untuk bulan ni , in your face bitch . (i'm referring to myself btw) .

wake me up when September ends

my birthday is coming and lets just hope i will not be alone to celebrate it like years before . man . will make a birthday-wish-list soon , hoping santa will come early this year . "LOL"

p/s: not feeling very well . batuk teruk tahap max + selesema . NOT GOOD .

K bye