Monday, April 4, 2011


Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart

1. Make me laugh, just don't over do it
2. Laugh at my jokes and respond, because i'm a talkative person and i need RESPOND.
3. Offer me (eg- your jacket if i'm cold, help me carry things, hold the door)
4. Text me, Call me and let me know whenever you're busy to text or call, i will understand. Don't left me hanging.
5. Hold my hand, ALL THE TIME
6. Take a lead when on date, NOT BOSSY-kind (eg- choose the restaurant)
7. Be yourself, even when we're with my friends
8. Love me for who i am, inside and out. And SHOW IT. This is the most important thing.


P/S: Goodnight Ashraf Muslim, Sam, dan Shahir. I LOOOOOVEEEEE YOU ! <3

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