Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Quote of the day

I want a guy who would be proud to hold my hand in public. I want a guy who would be so proud to tell the whole world that I am his girlfriend. I want a guy who wouldn’t be entertaining other girls because he knows i would feel bad about it. I want a guy who wouldn’t pay attention to the girls who texts or call him while he is with me. I want a guy who could share HIS WORLD with me. And lastly, I want a guy who is willing to love me unconditionally.

All is fair in love and war . <3

taken from tumblr, heres mine, click click. :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Quote of the day

Of course, you're going to get your heart broken. And it isn't just going to happen once, but a lot. That's just part of growing up, and it makes you stronger. Then you can handle it better next time. You may not get through it yourself, but your family and friends will help you through it. And you'll be a stronger person because of it. Then one day someone will come along, and it'll all pay off and no one will ever break your heart again.

4:12 AM

Hello Hi .

Firstly, meet my new babies, well actually i punya seekor je tapi i still tak tahu nak pilih yang mana satu. MAJOR CUTENESS. :D
And sadly, Messi the Rabbit is not feeling very well now, gonna bring him to the Vet tomorrow.

sorry i screen shot je sebab iphone buat hal tak boleh bukak blogspot pulak. pft.

Well, actually i'm bloggin' while merajuk-ing with my dad. He doesn't want to send me back to UiTM on Tuesday, well, he said he CAN'T. But i'm assuming he doesn't love me anymore. :(

Houstan, we have a problem. First, class i hari Selasa nanti pukul 1400 sampai 1600 SAHAJA. YES. So tell me, is it too much for me to ask my dad to send me back and wait for me till i finish my class? Dads nowadays. Sigh.

Papa suruh i balik naik public transport, i don't mind if i have to ride public transport to KL. But when it's another way around, I CAN'T EVEN. =_____________= okay enough talking bad about my dad. Sorry papa, you know you love me. :)

Bought Transformer's ticket for upcoming Wednesday and it's gonna be epic. I love Michael Bay's movies, they are absurdly awesome dude. No more Megan Fox though but the substitute isn't that bad. Well actually NOT BAD AT ALL. Omnomnom.

No more this

nor this,

meet Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

memang lah hot, Victoria Secret's model kot. =______="

EDITED : Messi baru saja meninggalkan i da family pada jam 4:45am waktu tempatan. Sedih. :(
RIP Messi, i love you so much.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


It's been a while since my last post in English. I don't know why, but i think it's easier for me to express my feelings in Bahasa. And i must say, it's more fun. And while writing these entry, i find it hard to write again in English. I felt like lost for words to write and i keep making weird expression to just translate what's in my head. So, here goes nothing. :)

Just now, my cousin asked me why in the world do i wanted to become a Forensic? Some more, in post-mortem-dead-body-related field. Back then, when i was still in Primary School, i always think becoming a Lawyer is the coolest thing ever and i don't know why. I just did. However, as i grow up, my ambition started to change, especially since i started to learn Biology in Secondary School. I love to read, hence i practically memorized the whole Biology Text Book, and History of course. Since then, i know i want to get involve in Medical field.

And i was speechless. Like 5 minutes long of silence. I can't even complete my sentence. =____=

I was like 'emmm sebab mayat tak banyak songeh macam manusia, dan tak payah takut nak operate mayat sebab diorang memang dah mati'. Not a very convincing answer, i know. But that was all i can think about. And now, i feel a bit worried.





I don't know why, i just know i want to become one. You know, you just have the feeling which you cannot explain to others.
"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were thing like astronaut, president, or in my case… princess.

When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?!

This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, its time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love - a lot. Major in philosophy 'cause there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent.

So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be… we won't have to guess. We'll know." -Jessica's speech in Twilight.

K BYE. X, ns.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Post yang tak berfaedah

motif 1: nak tunjuk yang Messi dah besar.
motif 2: Nak tunjuk jacket baru i yang besar nak mampus. HAHA #YNWA :)

oh i ada style baru nak camwhoring. Lepas ni sure trending ah wei. HAHA


Hamboi rajin i update belog hari-hari. Produktif sungguh.

So, semenjak dua tiga menjak ni, ramai sungguh kawan-kawan i yang dah bertunang dan nikah (tak nak cakap kahwin sebab kahwin tu senang je tak guna tok kadi, YA ALLAH).

Disebabkan ini, ramailah yang merungut,

'Wei kenapa kita je yang tak kahwin-kahwin, semua member dah bahagia je."

"Kau ni dah 21 tahun, boyfriend pun tak ada. Si ________ dah mengandung 6 bulan dah wei".

Haa, so bila kawan sendiri yang tak sedar diri yang dia pun forever alone tanya soalan tu, i rasa panas. Maruah i rasa tercabar, tercalar, semputttt. Hehe Okay tipu je, tak lah frust tapi i macam nak bagi middle finger kat member tu. Tak tahu lah apasal minggu ni ramai sungguh orang mengundang mintak middle finger i. Zekzekzek :D

Dah tu, itunes i boleh sekarang pulak play lagu Wali Band, Cari Jodoh. Ni lagi satu mengundang gila. MIDDLE FINGER KAT LAPTOP.

Btw, u'olls tengok tak Imam Muda? Sebelum Maharaja Lawak, tak payah nak guna alasan bodoh tak perlu nak explain meminta maaf sebab i pun baru first time tengok tadi. ALHAMDULILLAH. Tu pun sebab mama dok bising panggil i bukan main menjerit dari hall sampai setaman dengar. Perangai ma, jaga perangai kita hidup berjiran. I ingatkan i lupa nak tutup api dapur ke lepas masak tadi. HAHA Yeah, i burnt down my kitchen last year. LITERALLY. With fireman and the red fire truck. So sekarang siapa nak tolak point buat i jadi calon isteri ? Boleh tambah point tak sebab i jujur ? Kalau lepas kahwin baru u tahu, lagi naya kan. :)

Asal rasa macam lari dari topik ? =____=

So, i sebenarnya nak cakap yang i ni sejak umur 16 tahun lagi dah termasuk dalam kategori WAJIB KAHWIN. Apatah lagi dah 21 tahun, tolong lah kahwinkan anak mu ini mama. :P


Orang lain akan cakap "dah jodoh Allah kan, benda baik jangan tangguh-tangguh". Ye memang betul. Setuju. Tapi i nak jawapan dari mereka yang kurang warak boleh? :P So, biar i jawab lah sebab i sedar diri ni.

1. Bila kahwin awal, darah panas lagi bro, cinta masih kuat masih menebal. Fresh lah kata kan. Nafsu jangan cerita. Semua first time kan, bukan hari-hari haa, dah setiap jam GAME ON. Lepas tu bila cinta menebal dalam diri, pergi kerja ke kuliah ke balik rumah terus peluk cium adegan 21SXXXXXXXXX. Haa ambik kau lunyai terus. Takpe takpe, dah halal kan. :)

2. Bila muda, kita ada lebih masa nak belajar memasak ke, menjahit ke, menternak ayam kampung belakang rumah ke, bercucuk tanam ke, semua pun boleh. Alah takat pergi balik kuliah tu, tak de hal lah. Belajar online pun boleh kan. Bila dah pandai boleh experiment dekat cik abang sayang. Tak pun belajar dengan mak mentua apa susah.

3. Ni paling comel. I SUKA. Bila beranak nanti umur anak tak lah jauh sangat dengan mama nya. So boleh jadi bff dengan anak kita. Jadi cool mama. Cakap i-u dengan mama. HEHE let say lah kalau kita pregnant awal, ada jugak kawan i dah kahwin sah tapi tak bersedia lagi nak baby baby so mereka memilih protected sex. Tak de hal lah.

4. Bila lepak-lepak dengan member lepastu kalau dorang tanya "kau okey ke?", kalau lah masa tu tengah gaduh ke dengan cik abang, kita dengan riak takbur boleh cakap "masalah rumah tangga kau apa tahu". HAHAHAHAHA COOL GILA. Sebab dorang dorang yang tak kahwin lagi mana boleh berlagak macam tu.


6. Tak payah menyusahkan lagi parents kita, well this is partially true. Sebab kita dah jadi tanggungjawab cik abang sayang. Jangan kau lari balik rumah mak kau setiap hari sebab homesick sudah lah nadiah. Tak pun bila mama kita call, dok meroyan menangis sebab rindu. AKU HEMPUK KAU NANTI. Matang sikit perangai boleh?

7. Membina hidup baru. HAHA apasal ni last? Memang i tak matang pemikiran lagi kan. =___= i kalau boleh lepas kahwin nak duduk rumah sendiri, bukan sendirian. Dengan cik abang lah. Lepastu tarik cik abang pi IKEA, Lorenzo ke, Cavenzi ke beli perabut siap decorate rumah macam show room kat IKEA tu. OMG. I LOIKEEEE. Eceh cakap macam aku confident kahwin tak lama lagi.

tapi semua nya angan-angan je buat masa ni. InsyaAllah lah bulan 8 nanti, i jemput ramai-ramai okay. Tahun nya tak sure lagi. Jangan kabut-kabut, kita pelan pelan kayuh k? Hehe

Ni semua sebab mama sibuk nak si Nazrul tu kahwin dengan i. APAKAH? Nazrul mana ni? Lepastu mama cakap kalau tak Nazrul, si Amar pun boleh. APAKAH SEKALI LAGI. Siapa si Nazrul dan Amar yang beriya nak kahwin dengan i ni? HAHAHA

Rupanya dari program Imam Muda tu. LAAA patutlah beriye suruh i tengok. =____=

K tu je. BYE. x,ns.

P/S: Siapa lagi termasuk dalam Kategori wajib kahwin selain i? HEHE

Friday, June 24, 2011

bila rasa macam nak mengamuk . . .

1. Tarik nafas dalam-dalam, urut sikit dada, beristighfar banyak-banyak. Bila i buat macam ni, i rasa tenang sikit. Tak lah rasa macam nak hempuk batu simen kat orang.

2. Fikir dulu, berbaloi ke kalau kita marah atau mengamuk pasal benda tu. Sebab kadang-kadang benda kecik je, kita ikut perasaan sangat,terus jadi perang dunia ke tiga. Tak pasal-pasal. So, kat sini kita kena jadi bijak pandai, kena guna otak lah maksudnya. Ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa. Eceh.

3. Kat sini cliche sikit. Nobody is perfect. SERIOUS. Bila kita fikir macam ni, maybe kita boleh let go hal tu. Tapi kat sini tak lah bermaksud semua orang terlepas buat silap. Kalau macam tu, polis tak ada kerja pulak nanti kan kalau dorang guna teori ni. Tapi kalau setakat gaduh dengan girlfriend ke boyfriend ke, muhasabah diri sikit. Macam lah kita ni perfect sangat kan.

4. Cerita dekat orang lain. Bff ke, mama ke, sesiapa lah. Kat kucing pun boleh, tapi jangan lah harapkan respond. Okay? Mintak opinion, biar orang yang tak ada kena mengena pulak bagi pendapat. Kira dari different point of view. Mana lah tahu lepas tu baru kita sedar yang kita yang sebenarnya emotional lebih. Hormon tengah klimaks ke apa ke kan.

5. Slow talk/confront. Cakap elok-elok dengan pihak satu lagi tu. Tanya betul-betul. And jangan harapkan jawapan yang boleh puaskan hati kita je, yang penting tu the truth. Truth hurts sometimes. Pernah dengar tak "we hear what we want to hear". Tu betul lah sebab manusia ni memang suka benda yang indah, benda yang sedap didengari.

6. Distract yourself. Rasa-raasa nak mengamuk tu, pergi lah busykan diri, buat kerja rumah ke, mop lantai ke, kemas bilik yang macam sangkar babi ke. Dpat jugak faedah. Kalau u dekat hostel ke, ambik penyapu, sapu lah koridor hostel tu. Sekali sekala buat amal jariah tambah pahala kan.

tapi, jangan avoid masalah. Life is too short to hold any grudge. Kalau u marah, cakap u marah. I dulu jenis yang simpan marah, lepas tu kumpul banyak-banyak baru meletup. Which is not good. Tapi sekarang i dah malas nak marah-marah except bila orang tu memang mengundang zekzekzek. DON'T PROVOKE ME. ECEH. :P

Pendek kata, all out. Luahkan apa yang u'olls rasa. Contoh macam tadi i kena marah dengan mama sebab balik rumah lambat. I jawab "nasib baik kakak balik rumah kan". HAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHA tapi jangan risau, mama i tak marah pun dia cakap "Amboi aku tampar karang". Tu maksudnya mama sayang kat i, dalam versi marah. :D I LOVE YOU MAMA.

tu je lah nak cerita. k bye.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

jiwa kosong ke bro

hello hai .

U'olls pernah tak rasa macam _______________________ je seharian? Tu macam blank lah macam fill in the blank tapi kat sini i bukan suruh u'olls carik perkataan kasi taruk situ. Bukan. Bukan.

Kira macam ni lah, bila tengok atau dengar cerita kelakar pun hati jadi keras, rasa macam apa benda lah ni, apa yang lawak tah. Padahal satu stadium tengah ketawa sampai nampak urat urat kat muka.

Pernah tak?

Kalau cakap tak pernah, TIPU. Ni namanya breakdown. Tak kisah lah nervous breakdown ke, car breakdown ke. Tengok entri ni langsung tak ada haha ke hihi ke huhu ke lol ke :p ke :) ke ^_^ ke or what so ever lah. Ni menunjukkan i tengah breakdown, shutting down atau melayu cakap, jiwa kacau. Ke jiwa kosong? Haha (serious face while haha).

Selalunya bila i rasa macam ni, i akan spend time or to be exact, kacau mama i, because i don't have anybody else to kacau. Tak mungkin nak bermesra dengan papa i, mustahil lah dengan abang abang dan adik i. But mama is not at home, she's kursus-ing till Thursday. So here i am, blogging about it instead of finding the cure to my breakdown. Eceh. Ayat nak feeling feelong asal.

At time like this, i wish i had a sister. Boo hoo crybaby :'(

Lepas tu untuk merancakkan suasana, papa i hari ni jadi the most annoying person on earth LIKE SERIOUS. Omaigod cannot tahan anymore, i feel like crying. He keeps banging on my door and asking me, "kenapa lock pintu dari tadi tak keluar-keluar bilik". Papa,don't worry i tak buat apa-apa yang boleh memudaratkan kalau setakat layan blues, jiwa kacau sorang-sorang dalam bilik, tolong lah faham anak mu ini. Aku butuh privacy. HAHAHAHA

Sumpah harini hati tak best langsung apasal tah. I tak suka lah. Nak lepak dengan kawan-kawan pun, ada yang kat Perak, dekat Penang, dekat Pahang. This is why mama said go and find kawan yang dekat-dekat. Okay tipu, mama tak cakap macam tu, i reka je. I yang selalu cakap macam tu kat diri sendiri. Lepastu kawan-kawan ada boyfriend, susah nak berdating bersama, macam tu lah perempuan, susah jadi perempuan ni sebenarnya, hati lembut sangat. HAHA apa kena mengena ni. =_____=

Bak kata cousin i, "Jadi perempuan memang lancau". Dia pun perempuan jugak tau, so ni macam perempuan punya breakdown punya berkata-kata. Lancau tu i tak tahu apa, macam lancap ke ? So i google lah, rupanya lancau ni macam dirty word in chinese, tapi yang i confused apasal tah ada "who wants to eat lancau meat?". So sekarang i dah confused balik. Tapi tak apa lah, tak masuk exam pun. KAN? TAK MASUK KAN? Mana tahu tibe-tiba keluar soalan,

Who is the most lancau leader in the world?
Bush, Obama, Osama or YourMama. HAHA kalau agak-agak tak tahu lancau tu apa, mesti i jawab Your Mama sebab yang lain tu i tak tahu salasilah mereka. Agakagak keluar soalan bodoh macam tu, menggelupur lah i kena sawan babi kejap.


Oh well, last time i checked blog ni still i punya, so i boleh post apa-apa yang i suka.

K bye. x,ns .

P/S: okay harini nak layan jiwa yang lancau ni besok nak happy gila lancau. I love u'olls so lancau. HAHA BODOH BETUL.


I want a varsity jacket, uber cool, NOT ?

i'm ordering myself these baby,

it's a bit expensive, however i cannot find anything that suits me in local e-blogs and local stores. Very disappointing. And the original one worth almost RM800 ++, even the ciplak one worth RM300 ++, i shall not spend too much money on clothes, mama always tell me, "Dekat akhirat nanti, baju-baju yang kau beli tu semua akan hempap kau". And being stupid and shallow minded me, i replied, "Then beli lah baju yang ringan-ringan je". NOT FUNNY.

Avoiding shopping malls and e-blogs, ONCE I SHOP, I CAN'T NEVER TURN BACK. What the .... ?


K BYE. x, ns

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Norah Jones - What Am I To You?

Daddy's little girl :)

16th June 2011 , papa turned 51 years-young. He's a lucky dude because Father's Day is on 18th June. So, kena lah i adik beradik keluar duit lebih belikan hadiah dua kali ganda ohsem. Jangan salah faham, i memang suka belikan orang hadiah, lagi-lagi orang yang i sayang. Eceh. Well, As usual mesti lah i yang paling beriya, do you need to ask ? Well i must say papa is very the lucky one lah because time-time macam ni i mampu lah nak berbelanja lebih sikit. Well anyhoo, Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day Encik Azha Bin Abu. I love you so strong. And i know you love me back. :')

So, today's entry is all about him, eceh. Papa dulu sexy smexy der, dengan hot pants dia, auww. Patut lah mama gedik-gedik dengan papa. That explained why i'm gedik all the the time. Hehe

Can you spot him? I can't. HAHA LOLJK of course i can spot him, he's right there wearing the navy's uniform. DUH

second on the right, yes you ! :)

this is my favorite, selalu kitorang adik beradik carik gambar paling tak ohsem lepas tu ugut nak taruk kat facebook, rasa-rasanya boleh ke i ugut papa i dengan gambar sexy ni? HAHAHA :D

Papa was on TLDM (Navy) long before i was born, and this explained why he loves water so much, bukan macam papa i suka minum air coway tu, tapi he prefers laut than pool, he loves to pancing and everything about fishes and sea. Unlike me. =__=

So yeah, there goes your 10 minutes reading an entry about my sexy papa.


X, NS.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

lu langsi lu mati PART 2

Well actually i'm writing this entry for these one person who keeps on calling and texting me. I know she's been reading and stalking me lately and it really pissing me off, bukan sebab i ni perasan i hot lepas tu rimas ramai kipas susah mati ke apa. Sebab nya you dok tuduh i buat benda yang i tak buat, kalau nak cakap, cakap elok-elok, i boleh explain, kita sama-sama perempuan sama-sama ada perasaan, you tu tua dari i, i expect lah you matured dari i ni k, so for those who may concern,

No, i don't want your boyfriend. Yes, we are still friends, and No i haven't contacted him since last month.

So, you tak payah lah nak menyusahkan diri you, call i macam i ni girlfriend you, terima kasih lah bazirkan masa untuk call i. :) You jangan lah jadi macam orang gila ke hulu ke hilir nak carik i sebab nak explanation, buat apa semua tu. You sayang boyfriend you kan ? Then, pergi lah spend time dengan dia tu. Jangan salahkan i pulak bila boyfriend cari yang lain. HAHA JOKE JOKE. :p

Dah dah jangan dok serang boyfriend you tu, you cakap you baca sent items dia ada lovey dovey dengan i kan ? BUKAN INBOX KAN? SIAPA YANG SENT, I KE BOYFRIEND YOU TU? You nak cakap yang boyfriend you dah delete lah konon my so-called-lovey-messages ? Then ? You nak tengok hp i ? Boyfriend you pun dah mengaku kan dia menggatal dengan i, i tak mengaku sebab i memang tak layan. I tak tahu nak marah ke nak ketawa ke dengan perangai siamang you. Sumpah.

DO THE MATH, kalau you dah tak percaya sangat dengan boyfriend you, then let yourself go, you deserve better. Well actually if i were you, i dah lama angkat kaki sebab boyfriend you tu MEMANG TAK SETIA. LIFE IS HARSH, DEAL WITH IT.

Kalau lepas ni kau call aku lagi, sumpah aku simbah asid kat muka kau. JANGAN CABAR.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quote of the day

What is a perfect girlfriend? They say there’s no such thing as perfection, and that she doesn’t exist.

She dresses up all cute and pretty every time you take her out on a date. This is her way of keeping you interested as your eyes are locked solely on her. You stare at other girls instead, and she gets hurt and upset that all her time and effort were put to waste. You call her insecure.

She holds on to you like she’s never letting you go. This is her way of telling other girls that she’s lucky that she has you, and no, you’re not available. You call her clingy.

She calls you the sweetest nicknames, or ones that only you two will understand. This is her way of saying how special you are, and that there’s nobody else in this world like you. You call other girls “babe” just as how you would call her, and she gets disappointed. You call her shallow and jealous.

She checks up on you, making sure you made it home safely or that you’re not out getting yourself into any kind of trouble. This is her way of showing how often she thinks about you and that she worries constantly because that’s how much she cares. You say she’s nagging.

She cries when you do or say something wrong. This is her way of saying “That hurt only because YOU said it and I love YOU.” You call her overly sensitive and emotional.

She loves you more than you love her. This is her way of dealing with the fact that your relationship wasn’t like how it used to be, but she is willing to make room for more love and some changes. You push her away. You call her dramatic and annoying.

So go ahead. Leave the insecure, clingy, jealous, nagging, overly sensitive, annoying girl.

She will soon be much happier in the arms of someone who actually deserves her:
the perfect boyfriend.

OMG this is mental, gonna cry now. :(

Sunday, June 12, 2011



Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Hi no one.

Semester baru dah start 30 Mei, which was 3 days ago. And here i am still enjoying my so-called-holiday to the fullest. Got problem meh? Well, starting today, i am away (not so) for a vacation, a gate away from a hectic and tiring life in Kuala Lumpur. Ecece, mengundang zekzekzek betul ayat. Anyhoo, for those yang skema gila yang awal-awal dah register hostel siap bersemangat pergi class on the first day, congratulations, and OMAIGOD YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. NO ONE GO TO THE FIRST CLASS OF NEW SEMESTER. I REPEAT. NO ONE.

well then, you did. Ehem you know who you are silly.

So, my sweet sweet sweet family are going to Perlis > Alor Setar > Langkawi > Penang. Starting today till 6th June.

So, HOLLA ME, and happy lame-ass studying.


Pray for our safety and i will pray for your class-less soul. LOLJK