above is the link of my new tumblr blog. yeah i know it means i have two blogs.
haha, funny kan? well, at first saya rasa nak delete blogspot ni tapi sayyang lah. so yeah, im keeping both, shhh. :)
well, my class starts today (MONDAY, 5th july 2010). :(
but saya still kat rumah, first sebab saya tak dapat bilik lagi, sebab saya baru pergi merayu tadi petang. hehe so, yeah im room-less. second, i dont feel like going to class yet, come on, gie me 1-2days, tapi rabu ni memang dah kena pergi kelas sebab ada kelas lec kurang disenangi.
hmph, macam mana nak survive tanpa 9 sem ni. sedih. sunyi. tapi entah lah. im confused right now, i dont know what i want.
p/s: tak start cls lagi dah down, apa ni???
tak sabar tunggu eclipse khamis ni. hehe JACOB BLACK! :)